Brookvale Public School offers an exciting and comprehensive transition program to help you and your child transition into our school happily and successfully. The child-oriented component of this program commences in Term 4 of the year prior to your child's start date. Prior to this, during Term 2, parents are invited to a KINDERGARTEN OPEN DAY to find out all about starting Kindergarten at Brookvale. This session provides an overview of our school, information on school readiness and how to begin preparing your child, emotionally and socially, for ‘big school'. It is followed by a visit to Kindergarten classrooms to see quality teaching and learning in action.
During Term 4, prospective Kindergarten students are invited to participate in one or more of a series of weekly hour-long sessions designed to provide a taste of the diverse learning opportunities and environments available at our school. A scavenger hunt around the school grounds, art attack in the specialist art studio, stories in the library and hands-on science experiments are all opportunities for your child to become familiar with the school environment, the teachers and support staff. It is also an excellent time for you and your child to meet other prospective students and their families.
Kindergarten Orientation at Brookvale is finalised by two morning sessions when all enrolled, prospective Kindergarten students spend time together in classrooms participating in a typical early Kindergarten learning program. Meanwhile parents attend workshops in the library. These workshops provide information about school organisational matters, expectations of Positive Behaviour Engaging Learners (PBEL) and whole school systems to support this, school uniform, before and after school care and options for parent participation within the school community. Literacy and Numeracy workshops provide parents with a realistic insight into the differentiated teaching and learning that goes on in the Kindergarten classroom, linking it directly to the new Australian Curriculum. Engaging, practical strategies to use at home, to assist your child with an easy transition into ‘big school', are also covered.