Brookvale Public School

An outstanding education for your child

Telephone02 9905 4168

Kindergarten Transition to School Program 2025 Information

Kindergarten 2025 Transition to School Information and Key Dates for Your Diary

Welcome to Brookvale Public School. Beginning Kindergarten is an exciting and special time for children and their families. Our school’s Kindergarten Transition to School Program aims to make the transition from home or an early childhood setting to school a positive and happy time for the whole family. The information and dates provided below outline the Brookvale Public School Kindergarten Transition to School Program.

School Tours

2025 Kindergarten students and their families are invited to attend a tour of the school led by the Principal, Mr Luke Richmond. The tour is a great way to introduce children to the important places in school such as the canteen, school hall, library, and school office.

Parent Tours are held on a Friday, please see scheduled dates below. Tours commence at 9.30am, on arrival please make your way to the school office.

Term 2 -  7 June, 21 June

Term 3 - 2 August, 16 August, 30 August


Kindergarten Transition Information Evening (for parents only) 

Thursday 5 September 6pm – 7pm

During this session Executive staff and Kindergarten teachers will outline our transition to school program. Our staff will answer any questions you may have about starting school and offer advice about the things you can do to help your child make a smooth transition to school. Representatives from our Before and After School care (UOSHC) and Parents and Citizen Association (P&C), will also be on hand to provide an overview on how they support and work with the school.


Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Friday 20 September 2023 9.30am – 10.30am

Come along and join us for a Teddy Bears’ Picnic and morning tea. 2024 students will participate in some fun activities with our current Kindergarten students.


Transition to School session for 2025 Kindergarten Students and Morning Tea for Parents

Friday 1 November 2024 9.15am – 10.30am

Kindergarten 2024 students are invited to have their first taste of school on Friday 3 November 2023 by attending a session in one of our Kindergarten classrooms.

We are committed to making this a positive experience for all. Please bring your child to school at 9.15am on this day. Our current students make their way to classes from 9am so please do not arrive too early as a heavy traffic flow may seem a little daunting for children on their first classroom visit.

Children and families will meet outside the Kindergarten area. Children will have their names marked off, be provided with a name tag and then parents may accompany them into their designated Kindergarten classroom. Parents are encouraged to engage their child with an activity and once they are settled attend a morning tea/discussion group which will be held in the hall and led by Principal, Mr Luke Richmond.

Children will spend the morning in the Kindergarten classes participating in a range of fun activities as part of our transition to school program. During this time, teachers and school assistants will have an opportunity to meet and observe the children during their activities. Please let the school office know if you have any concerns about your child’s participation in this session before the date so that we can work together to ensure a successful day.

Teachers will bring students out to the Kindergarten area to be collected at 10.30am.

Second Transition Session for 2024 Students and Parent Forum

Friday 8 November 2024 9.15am – 10.30am

A week after the first session, children enrolling in Kindergarten 2024 will return to school for the second transition to school session. Parents should again bring their child to the Kindergarten area to have their names marked off. Once this has occurred, parents may again accompany their child into the allocated Kindergarten classroom.

Parents should then return to the hall, where a forum on helping your child with reading at home will be led by the Principal, Mr Luke Richmond. Children will again engage in some play experiences, to meet new friends, to participate in an art activity and experience either a literacy or numeracy session.

Teachers will bring students out to the kindergarten area to be collected at 10.30am.


Final Kindergarten Information session about starting school via zoom 6pm – 7pm

Wednesday 27 November 6.00pm-7.00pm

The 2025 Kindergarten Transition to School Program will conclude with a final Question and Answer information evening in November. An email will be sent to parents asking for any questions they may have prior to this event. Parents will also be provided with opportunities to ask questions on the night.

During this session, we will discuss the ‘Best Start Interviews’ and procedures surrounding the first day and the first few weeks of school. Parents will receive more information about this closer to the date.


Best Start Sudent Interviews

It is high encouraged that all students enrolling in Kindergarten in NSW Public schools to participate in the Best Start Kindergarten Assessment.

An interview will be scheduled for each child. Your child will be taken through some early literacy and numeracy activities which will give their teacher some useful information on the knowledge and experiences your child brings to school. Students are not expected to come to school being able to read, write or count. The assessment provides an opportunity for teachers to begin to think about how they may group students in their class for literacy and numeracy to best cater for all students. Parents will receive a feedback report on how they can help their child at home after the assessments are completed.

The Best Start interviews take half an hour to complete. 

Parents will be able to book the interview online. More information on scheduling a booking will follow.


First Day Kindergarten


The first full day for Kindergarten students will be on Tuesday 6 February. Closer to the date, parents will be sent an allocated time of arrival. Each child will receive a different time to ensure that the new Kindergarten students are not overwhelmed on the first day of school. More information will be provided at the Final Transition Information Evening. Parents should pick their child up from school at 2.30pm on this day.

Slightly Shorter School Days for the First Two Weeks

The first few days of school are exhausting for students. For the first two weeks from Tuesday 6 February until Friday 16 February, the school day is shortened by half an hour. The school day begins at 9.00am. Supervision is available from 8.30am, however students often find it comforting to have their parents wait with them till the bell rings for the first few days. Parents should make arrangements to pick their child up from school at 2.30pm on these days. After school care facilities will be available from 2.30pm.

Full School Days Begin

Full school days, 9.00am-3.00pm commence Monday 19 February.

We look forward to meeting you all very soon. We are hoping that you and your child enjoy the transition program at Brookvale Public School and will all feel very comfortable with the introduction to kindergarten.

To complete an enrolment please click here.